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Consultation Summary

In March 2024, Regal held a series of exhibitions at the Finchley Rugby Club to provide an update to the local community about the plans for the redevelopment proposals, and to reflect on the feedback previously received.

Over the three days, 172 people visited the exhibitions, and 113 of those left feedback. We have summarised some of the key points below:

  • The provision of a new leisure centre was strongly supported, alongside the proposed improvements to the facilities.
  • The principle of providing new, sustainably designed homes was also largely supported, and it highlighted the importance of providing a number of affordable homes.
  • Attendees also understood the importance of promoting sustainable transport measures, although so expressed a need to retain a level of car parking on-site.
  • The inclusion of some ground floor active uses, such as retail was also supported in order to provide the new residents with required amenities and local businesses with new opportunities.

In addition, a range of local groups and stakeholders joined the public consultation to view the plans including members of the Finchley Society, leisure centre users and members of the indoor bowls club. A follow up meeting was also held with local stakeholder group and societies.

A further public consultation will be held in the summer, to provide a further update on the proposals prior to the formal submission of a planning application. Further details of this will be provided in due course.

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